Grumpy Old Trolls vs Mentors
There are a few people throughout “Siddhartha” that can be seen as mentors. As we’ve discussed in class, there are several stages of Siddhartha’s life, or mini-journeys, and in each one, he seems to have different people guiding him. The first person Siddhartha encounters that could make sense as a mentor/supernatural aid is Gotama, who gives him a sense of self and allows him to continue on his quest for inner peace without looking back. However, I don’t think Gotama is Sid’s main mentor/supernatural aid in the story. In Joseph Campbell’s explanation of the steps of the Hero’s Journey, the hero will encounter a “threshold guardian” at the entrance to a new realm. In other words, threshold guardians are people Siddhartha must be able to move beyond to cross each new threshold and begin the next stage of his journey (like the Grumpy Old Troll that guards the bridge in Dora). I would argue Gotama is a guardian Sid must learn from before he is able to become his new, awakened self, thereb...