
Showing posts from November, 2022

Heroine’s Journey Through the (Lego) Looking Glass

 In  class, we have examined the Heroine’s Journey as a journey to self-discovery and the heroine understanding her place in the world. In our discussions of the Heroine’s Journey in comparison to the Hero’s Journey, stories that follow the Hero’s Journey seem to follow less of a self-discovery narrative and more of a saving-the-world narrative. However, despite the differences we’ve pinpointed between the two templates, I think the Hero’s Journey is just as much a journey through self-discovery as the Heroine’s Journey. Let’s take a peek at the steps of the Hero’s Journey in comparison to the Heroine’s Journey. At the top of the Hero’s Journey cycle, we see “Freedom to Live '' before the real adventure starts. This stage refers to a period of peace before our hero realizes something’s amiss and starts saving the world. These parts of the Hero’s Journey resemble the “Illusion of a Perfect World,” “Betrayal or Realization,” and “Awakening” steps of Victoria Lynn Schmidt’s Heroi...